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Contrabass player, Jun-Hyuk Choi from Korea. - Autumn leaves

콘트라베이스 최준혁

We were traveling in Florence, Italy. He joined street players after saying I'm a bassist and if I could play some. In Korea, he played it with four strings but there were only three, which might make him play little bit hard but amazing.


The song they played, Autumn leaves, is jazz standard, which is the reason why they could play together right away.

이탈리아 피렌체 여행중에 거리연주가들과 함께 즉흥연주했어요. 지나던 사람들은 저 사람 관광객 아니냐며 잘한다고 ㅎ


엘에이 렌트카 / 얼바인 렌트카 / 풀르턴 렌트카 / 장단기 렌트카
무조건 가장 저렴한 가격으로 맞춰 드릴 수 있습니다. !!!!!!!!!
합리적 가격
편리하고 간편한 예약
국제면허증으로 렌트가 가능

전화번호: 213 663 6861
카카오톡 아이디: kkk1234509
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