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Frivolous Wife is a 2008 South Korean romantic comedy film based on William Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew.

Cheon Yeon-soo is a beautiful, hot-headed college girl whose family became millionaires overnight. She was raised by an over-indulgent father and grew up spoiled.

Yeon-soo is used to getting any man she wants, but she falls in love with her polar opposite: awkward and polite Lee Jeong-do. Jeong-do is the only grandson of a very traditional family, and Yeon-soo attempts to transform herself into a proper lady so that her future in-laws will accept her. Little does she know that Jeong-do's family actually heads a notorious mob.

엘에이 렌트카 / 얼바인 렌트카 / 풀르턴 렌트카 / 장단기 렌트카
무조건 가장 저렴한 가격으로 맞춰 드릴 수 있습니다. !!!!!!!!!
합리적 가격
편리하고 간편한 예약
국제면허증으로 렌트가 가능

전화번호: 213 663 6861
카카오톡 아이디: kkk1234509
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